Query IN Array with TypeORM Repository in NestJS: A Comprehensive Guide
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Query IN Array with TypeORM Repository in NestJS: A Comprehensive Guide

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When working with databases in NestJS, you might encounter situations where you need to query data based on an array of values. This is where the power of TypeORM comes in, providing a seamless way to interact with your database. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of querying IN arrays with TypeORM Repository in NestJS, covering the basics, examples, and best practices.

The Problem: Querying IN Arrays

Imagine you have a table of users, and you want to fetch all users who belong to a specific set of roles. You have an array of role IDs, and you need to query the database to retrieve the corresponding users.

roles = [1, 2, 3];

In a traditional SQL approach, you would write a query like this:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE role_id IN (1, 2, 3);

But, in a TypeORM-based application, you need a more elegant and TypeORM-way of handling this scenario. This is where the `IN` query comes into play.

The Solution: Using TypeORM’s `In` Query

TypeORM provides an `In` query operator that allows you to query data based on an array of values. With this operator, you can create a query that fetches data based on the values in the array.

Let’s see an example using the `@Repository` decorator in NestJS:

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { User } from './user.entity';

export class UserService {
    private readonly userRepository: Repository<User>,
  ) {}

  async getUsersByRoles(roles: number[]): Promise<User[]> {
    return this.userRepository.find({
      where: {
        roleId: In(roles),

In this example, we’ve created a `UserService` that injects the `UserRepository` using the `@InjectRepository` decorator. The `getUsersByRoles` method takes an array of role IDs as an argument and uses the `find` method to query the database.

The magic happens in the `where` clause, where we use the `In` query operator to specify the array of role IDs. TypeORM will then generate the corresponding SQL query to fetch the users based on the provided array.

Using `In` with Other Query Operators

The `In` query operator can be combined with other query operators to create more complex queries. Let’s see an example:

async getUsersByRolesAndName(roles: number[], name: string): Promise<User[]> {
  return this.userRepository.find({
    where: {
      roleId: In(roles),
      name: Like(`%${name}%`),

In this example, we’ve added a `name` parameter to the method and used the `Like` query operator to search for users with a name that contains the specified value. The `In` operator is still used to query the role IDs, but now we’re combining it with the `Like` operator to create a more complex query.

`In` with AND and OR Operators

You can also use the `In` operator with the `AND` and `OR` operators to create more complex queries.

async getUsersByRolesAndNameOrEmail(roles: number[], name: string, email: string): Promise<User[]> {
  return this.userRepository.find({
    where: [
        roleId: In(roles),
        name: Like(`%${name}%`),
        roleId: In(roles),
        email: Like(`%${email}%`),

In this example, we’ve created a query that fetches users who either have a role ID in the specified array and a name that contains the specified value, or have a role ID in the specified array and an email that contains the specified value.

Best Practices and Performance Considerations

When using the `In` query operator, it’s essential to consider performance and best practices:

  • Avoid large arrays: Passing large arrays as arguments can lead to performance issues and increased query complexity. Try to limit the size of the array or use pagination to fetch data in chunks.
  • Use indexing: Ensure that the column being queried has an index to improve query performance.
  • Optimize database configuration: Adjust your database configuration to optimize query performance, such as increasing the query timeout or adjusting the connection pool size.
  • Cache results: Consider caching the results of frequently executed queries to reduce the load on your database.


In this article, we’ve explored the power of querying IN arrays with TypeORM Repository in NestJS. By leveraging the `In` query operator, you can create complex queries that fetch data based on arrays of values. Remember to follow best practices and consider performance implications to ensure optimal query performance.

Query Example Description
find({ where: { roleId: In(roles) } }) Fetch users with role IDs in the specified array
find({ where: { roleId: In(roles), name: Like('%name%') } }) Fetch users with role IDs in the specified array and name containing the specified value
find({ where: [{ roleId: In(roles), name: Like('%name%') }, { roleId: In(roles), email: Like('%email%') }] }) Fetch users who either have a role ID in the specified array and a name that contains the specified value, or have a role ID in the specified array and an email that contains the specified value

By mastering the `In` query operator, you’ll be able to create efficient and scalable queries that meet your application’s requirements.

Further Reading

For more information on TypeORM and NestJS, check out the following resources:

Here is the HTML code with 5 questions and answers about “query IN array with TypeORM repository NestJS”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to the most commonly asked questions about querying an array with TypeORM repository in NestJS.

How do I query a column with an array of values using TypeORM in NestJS?

You can use the `In` operator in TypeORM to query a column with an array of values. For example, `repository.find({ where: { column: In([‘value1’, ‘value2’, …]) } });`. This will return all records where the `column` field contains any of the values in the array.

Can I use an array of objects as a query parameter in TypeORM?

Yes, you can use an array of objects as a query parameter in TypeORM. For example, `repository.find({ where: { column: In([{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, …]) } });`. This will return all records where the `column` field matches any of the objects in the array.

How do I query a Many-To-Many relationship with an array of values in TypeORM?

You can use the `In` operator in combination with the `Many-To-Many` relation to query a Many-To-Many relationship with an array of values. For example, `repository.find({ where: { relation: { id: In([‘value1’, ‘value2’, …]) } } });`. This will return all records where the related entity has an `id` that matches any of the values in the array.

What is the performance impact of using an array of values in a TypeORM query?

Using an array of values in a TypeORM query can have a performance impact, especially for large arrays. This is because TypeORM needs to convert the array to a SQL query, which can be resource-intensive. However, the performance impact can be minimized by using indexes and optimizing the database schema.

Can I use an array of values in a TypeORM query with a custom repository method?

Yes, you can use an array of values in a custom repository method in TypeORM. You can define a custom method on your repository class and use the `In` operator to query an array of values. For example, `repository.myCustomMethod([‘value1’, ‘value2’, …])`. This will allow you to encapsulate the query logic and reuse it throughout your application.

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